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Pubblicità High Definition Gaming su AGP con la X1950PRO di GECUBE Ultime News
Notizia pubblicata in data: 30.11.2006
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GECUBE ha annunciato, mediante il comunicato stampa allegato di seguito, la nuova scheda grafica siglata GECUBE Radeon X1950PRO AGP. La card (cfr. foto seguente) utilizza la gpu X1950PRO, che ricordiamo essere dotata di 36 pixel pipeline e di supporto per Shader Model 3.0: tuttavia, a differenza di modelli omologhi in termini di processore grafico, essa è compatibile con il bus AGP per cui rende possibile la fruizione di feature avanzate, come l'antialiasing con HDR e l'High Definition, con i sistemi hardware non forniti di slot grafico PCI-Express.

La Radeon X1950PRO AGP di GECUBE, che è accompagnata da driver per Windows Vista dotati di certificazione WHQL (Windows Hardware Quality Labs), consente inoltre l'esecuzione dell'interfaccia Aero di Vista.

Taipei, Nov.30th.,2006 – GECUBE, one of the world’s leading brands in the graphics card business, today announced its new GECUBE X1950PRO AGP product line, further strengthening its offerings for ATI’s top-of-the-line graphics platform.

GECUBE X1950PRO AGP series delivers high-definition entertainment with stunningly fast gaming performance, industry-leading image quality and crystal clear High Definition digital video at a new and affordable price point. The 1950PRO AGP support Shader Model 3.0, utilizes the latest graphics processing architecture comes with 36 pixel pipelines, an extensive set of image quality features like simultaneous HDR with adaptive Anti-aliasing and a palette of over one billion colors, offers the users to get the most out of their gaming experiences.

Using Avivo technology, the ATI Radeon X1950PRO provides incredible quality video playback for today’s high-definition media formats, displaying one billion colors, or 10-bit throughout the graphics pipeline. The new card is HDCP-compliant, including a built-in EEPROM and HDCP key. The GECUBE Radeon X1950PRO AGP edition is also ready for Windows Vista with Windows Hardware Quality Labs (WHQL) certified drivers from AMD, in order to give users the complete Windows Vista experience, including the Aero interface3.

The new Radeon 1950PRO AGP version will delivers exciting new levels of display quality and performance over this industry standard graphics interface. It provides an affordable budget for upgrades to Vista Ready and power 3D gaming performance without purchasing a new system. GECUBE R1950PRO AGP products are fully RoHS compliant.

News Source: GECUBE Press Release

Tag: agp  |  gaming  |  gecube  |  high definition  |  x1950pro

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