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Pubblicità AMD mostra la potenza del chip Liano nel corso del TFE 2010 Ultime News
Notizia pubblicata in data: 20.10.2010
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Nell'ambito dell'evento AMD Technical Forum & Exhibition (TFE) 2010, AMD ha effettuato la prima dimostrazione pubblica del prossimo chip di tipo Accelerated Processing Unit (APU), destinato ad entrare commercialmente nella linea Fusion (prodotti notebook standard, notebook ultra-sottili e desktop) e noto al momento con il nome in codice di "Llano". Si tratta di una unità caratterizzata dalla integrazione simultanea di un processore, o CPU, e di una GPU, entrambi inclusi nello stesso package.

La demo di AMD è stata incentrata sulla esecuzione simultanea, da parte del chip APU, di tre task dall'elevata complessità computazionale, tra i quali il calcolo della costante Pi greco con 32 milioni di cifre decimali e la decodifica di un video HD estratto da un disco Blu-ray, in ambiente Microsoft Windows 7. In tali condizioni l'applicazione nBody DirectCompute di Microsoft ha mostrato di poter usufruire di una potenza di calcolo pari a ben 30 GFLOPS.

In accordo ad AMD, la tecnologia del chip "Llano" diventerà alla portata degli utenti che afferiscono al segmento mainstream del mercato nel corso del 2011.

At the 6th Annual AMD Technical Forum & Exhibition (TFE) 2010, AMD today showcased for its ecosystem partners the first public demonstration of the forthcoming AMD Fusion Accelerated Processing Unit (APU) codenamed "Llano", designed for notebook, ultrathin and desktop PCs. AMD demonstrated the accelerated single-chip processing muscle of Llano by simultaneously processing three separate compute-and graphics-intensive workloads.

"The serial and powerful parallel processing capability of the Llano APU has the potential to make OEMs and consumers re-think their computing experience," said Chris Cloran, corporate vice president and general manager, client division, AMD. "The experience potential of Llano is truly incredible, and the demos we showed today on stage provide a glimpse of what this processor is capable of delivering in sleek form factors with long battery life. Everything consumers love about their digital lifestyles today – social networking, gaming, consuming and creating media – can be enhanced with Llano, enabling a more interactive, vivid and immersive experience."

The Llano APU demo showed three compute-intensive workloads simultaneously on Microsoft Windows 7, including calculating the value of Pi to 32 million decimal places, and decoding HD video from a Blu-ray disc. Running concurrent to the CPU and HD video playback applications, Microsoft’s nBody DirectCompute application is shown achieving around 30 GFLOPS (as reported in the application) a relative measure of the available capacity to post-process video during playback, play a DirectX11 game, or assist the CPU cores to accelerate a non-graphics application. The demonstration represents a preview of Llano’s raw compute power enabling new levels of experience computing that AMD aims to bring to mainstream PC users in 2011.

Held annually in Taiwan, the AMD Technical Forum & Exhibition is an ecosystem partner event that focuses on addressing the world’s most complex technology challenges, and spotlighting technology breakthroughs. Exhibitors span academia, hardware and software industries, fostering a healthy, open ecosystem for the AMD Fusion family of APUs.

For more information please visit

Additional Resources
  • Video: Chris Cloran previews Llano at AMD Technical Forum and Exhibition
  • Blog: AMD and its partner ecosystem showcases AMD Fusion at TFE
  • AMD will be hosting the AMD Fusion Developer Summit June 13-16, 2011 in Seattle, WA. Visit the conference website to learn more.
Cautionary Statement

This release contains forward-looking statements concerning the timing of the launch and ramp of new products and technologies and the features of these products, which are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements are generally preceded by words such as "plans," "expects," "believes," "anticipates" or "intends." Investors are cautioned that all forward-looking statements in this release involve risks and uncertainty that could cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations, including the risk that the AMD products described herein will not be available in the mix required by the market and at mature yields on a timely basis; AMD’s technology partners will not offer these AMD products as described herein, or in sufficient quantities to address market demand; Intel Corporation’s pricing, marketing and rebating programs, product bundling, standard setting, new product introductions or other activities targeting AMD’s business will prevent attainment of AMD’s current plans; there will be unexpected variations in market growth and demand for these AMD products; and AMD will be unable to obtain sufficient manufacturing capacity or components to meet demand for these products. We urge investors to review in detail the risks and uncertainties in AMD’s filings with the United States Securities Exchange Commission.

News Source: AMD Press Release

Tag: tfe

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