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Pubblicità Informazioni e Release Notes del file: Prime95 25.3 Ultime News
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1) Multiple LL tests can be run within a single prime95 instance. There is no longer a need to run multiple instances of prime95 on multi-cpu machines.

2) Uses a new version of the Primenet server. Features include user IDs that are different than team IDs. New work types. Ability to set some client options using web-based forms.

3) Communication with the server runs in a separate thread.

4) The CURL library is used for communication with the server. Hopefully this will support a wider variety of client networking configurations. 5) Supports using multiple logical or physical CPUs on a single LL test.

Except for some hyperthreaded CPUs and only on some FFT sizes, this is not recommended as you will get more throughput by giving each CPU its own number to test.

6) ECM and P-1 now support B1 and B2 values above 4.29 billion.

7) Several files have been renamed so that they are not changed by Windows save/restore. Prime.ini is now prime.txt. Local.ini is now local.txt. Worktodo.ini is now worktodo.txt. The primenet.ini file has been deleted - it is now a section within the prime.txt file.

8) It is now legal to put comment lines in the prime.txt, local.txt, and worktodo.txt files.

9) In older versions, editing the worktodo.ini file while prime95 was running sometimes had the desired effect. That is no longer the case. You can create a worktodo.add file to add work to a running prime95.

10) WARNINGS: Previous versions of prime95 will not be able to read save files generated by this version. This version will not be able to continue from P-1 save files generated by the previous version in the middle of stage 2.

11) Program can now do PRP tests of k*b^n+c. Add a line worktodo.txt that looks like this: PRP=k,b,n,c[,how_far_factored,tests_saved] The optional how_far_factored (in bits) and tests_saved values are used to determine if P-1 factoring prior to the PRP test would be beneficial.

12) The program no longer does a one-hour self-test before testing an exponent with a new FFT length. 13) You can now copy the contents of a window to the clipboard.

14) New icon colors. Green means "go". Red means "stopped".

15) The torture test dialog box lets you choose how many CPUs or cores you want to torture test.

16) The benchmark times both single-threaded and multi-threaded FFTs. 17) The Advanced menu no longer needs a password.

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