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Pubblicità CeBIT 2006: ABIT punta sul gaming con la linea Fatal1ty Ultime News
Notizia pubblicata in data: 26.02.2006
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Dopo aver rischiato il fallimento, ABIT, recentemente acquistata da ULI, un produttore di personal computer molto vicino a IBM, ha annunciato che la sua presenza al CeBIT metterà in primo piano il gaming e la sua linea di prodotti Fatal1ty, che prende il nome proprio dal gamer più famoso del mondo.

Taipei, Taiwan, February 24, 2006 – CeBIT is around the corner, and the German city of Hannover braces itself for the 20th anniversary of the biggest computer and consumer electronics trade show in the world. For high-tech company ABIT, maker of enthusiast level motherboards and PC peripherals, the annual CeBIT fair has become an extremely important venue for showcasing the very latest in performance and innovation.

ABIT has a long history of not just following, but to a large extent setting the trends in the tech-savvy PC enthusiast market. While the professional gaming scene is expected to explode in 2006, ABIT has been supporting the world of eSports from the very beginning. ABIT is responsible for the world famous ACON gaming events, sponsoring the most talented teams, and working closely with Johnathan "Fatal1ty" Wendel, the world's number one professional gamer, to develop the ultimate gaming hardware platform.

To celebrate the newest range of Fatal1ty products, ABIT is bringing the world of eSports right to CeBIT's doorsteps. At CeBIT 2006, ABIT will be showcasing a number of gaming-related events, ranging from gaming seminars and workshops to shoot-outs with Mr. Fatal1ty himself. Those who dare stepping-up to meet the world's most feared gamer in a head-to-head battle will have a chance to take home some whooping ABIT prizes consisting of the very best gaming hardware the industry has to offer.

The gaming seminars hosted by Team Dignitas will highlight the successful strategies of this elite gaming team, followed by question and answer sessions, and in the ABIT gaming arena there will be plenty of opportunities for our visitors to experience competitive gaming hands-on as these pro-gamers interact with the crowd. The gaming arena will have ongoing challenges for our visitors throughout the whole show with even more prizes to be won.

"Competitive gaming is increasingly gaining acceptance as a serious sport, and the competitive attitudes of the professional players are proof of this. With prize money reaching into the millions, and some players spending up to eight hours a day in training, we've come a long way from the casual Sunday afternoon LAN-parties with your buddies", says David Jarlestedt of ABIT Computer Corporation.

News Source: Abit Press Release

Tag: abit  |  cebit  |  fatal1ty  |  gaming

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