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Abbiamo pubblicato 75 documenti correlati con il tag youtube

Pagina 3 di 8

 YouTube Gaming | Gameplay | Far Cry New Dawn | High Graphics Settings
Far Cry New Dawn's gameplay is the focus of this new video. More in details, this footage is showing off fighting scenes from the single-player campaign. To record it, we have configured Far Cry New Dawn with high graphics settings as well as with 1080p graphics resolution. Far Cry New Dawn is a first-person shooter developed by...
 YouTube Gaming | Crysis 3 | CryEngine 3 | High graphics settings gameplay
This footage is focused on Crysis 3's gameplay, and, more in details, includes gaming scenes from first campaign playing minutes. Crysis 3 is a first-person shooter videogame developed by Crytek and published by Electronic Arts in February 2013 not only for PC but also for Microsoft Xbox 360 and Sony PlayStation 3. To record this...
 YouTube Gaming | Gameplay | Destiny 2 with high graphics settings
This footage is focused on Destiny 2's gameplay, and, more in details, includes gaming scenes from first playing minutes. Screenshots below have been taken from the same gameplay as well. Destiny 2 is a free-to-play online multiplayer first-person shooter videogame. It has been developed by Bungie and published Activision (2017 - 2018) and...
 YouTube Video | FSAA, Gigapixel, and T-Buffer: that is 3dfx Voodoo5 5500
Full-Scene Anti-Aliasing (FSAA), that is "make hell look like heaven", Gigapixel, because "you dream in gigapixels, and so why not play the same way?", and T-Buffer, because question is "what is reality and what isn't", are three marketing highlighted features in order to tease an upcoming video card: the 3dfx Voodoo5 5500.All 3dfx marketing assets...
 YouTube Gaming | Call of Duty: Warzone | Last shots before the Victory
We've just shared a new gameplay footage from Call of Duty: Warzone with focus on the last combats and shots before a Victory. Call of Duty: Warzone is a well-known free-to-play battle royale videogame developed by Infinity Ward and Raven Software, and published by Activision. Call of Duty: Warzone is based on proprietary graphics...
 YouTube Gaming | Gaming with 3dfx Voodoo2 SLI and Kingpin: Life of Crime
We've also shared in our YouTube Channel new footage - recorded with a Voodoo2 SLI 24MB (2x12MB) based gaming system - that shows off over six minutes of gameplay from single-player campaign of the videgame Kingpin: Life of Crime. This one is a first-person shooter developed by Xatrix Entertainment and published by Interplay Entertainment...
 YouTube Gaming | Rise of the Tomb Raider | Our first gameplay footage on Lara
We've shared in our YouTube Channel first gameplay footage from Rise of the Tomb Raider, a well-known action-adventure videogame developed by Crystal Dynamics and published by Square Enix in late 2015. Rise of the Tomb Raider is the sequel of the 2013 released Tomb Raider as well as, more in general, the eleventh entry in the historycal Tomb...
 YouTube Gaming | Call of Juarez: Gunslinger | First 14 minutes gameplay
Gameplay footage from the Story mode of Call of Juarez: Gunslinger, a western-themed first-person shooter videogame developed by Techland and published by Ubisoft (2013 - 2018) and then by Techland (2018 - nowdays) for a wide range of gaming platforms including PC, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360 in 2013, and Nintendo Switch in 2019. Call...
 YouTube Gaming | Serious Sam 3: BFE | Gameplay footage with maxed-out graphics
Gameplay footage from Serious Sam 3: BFE, a first-person shooter developed by Croteam and published by Devolver Digital for a wide range of gaming platforms including Microsoft Windows in 2011, Mac OS X and Linux in 2012, PlayStation 3 in 2014, and Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4 in 2020. According to its name, Serious Sam...
 YouTube Gaming | Doom Eternal | Gameplay frenetico at altissima velocità in 4K
Per gli amanti dei deathmatch ad altissima velocità e senza compromessi dal punto di vista grafico è certamente consigliata la visione del video che vi proponiamo in questa pagina. Il filmato è dedicato al gameplay del first-person shooter Doom Eternal ed è visualizzabile anche con risoluzione grafica 4K. Il video è stato pubblicato su YouTube...

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Tuning & Overclocking & Monitoring Utilities: AMD Ryzen Master
Privacy Eraser 6.7.2 protegge la privacy degli utenti di Microsoft Windows
L'utility free Password Safe 3.66.0 memorizza le password in formato cifrato
Testing & Monitoring & Benchmark Tools: AIDA64 Extreme Edition 7.30.6900
Free Antivirus & Antimalware Utilities: Trellix Stinger [Portable]
FastCopy 5.7.12 copia file e directory, e sincronizza in modalità incrementale
Free Archive Managers Utilities: 7-Zip 24.06 Final - x86, x64 & ARM64 Ready
SyncBackFree beta consente backup e sincronizzazione di dati e file
Hardware Monitoring & Benchmark: AIDA64 Extreme Edition 7.20.6841 beta
System & Hardware Tools: SIW (System Information for Windows) 2024.14.3.0526
Foto | GUNNIR Arc A770 e Arc A750 Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree Edition
RAM Memory & Paging File Information Utilities: MemInfo 4.0 SR1 - Windows 64-bit
The Linux Kernel Organization rilascia il Linux Kernel 6.9.2: info e download
GeForce Setup & Tuning Utilities: NVIDIA PhysX System Software 9.23.1019
FastStone Capture 10.5 consente di creare screenshot e video con audio
NVIDIA rilascia il package Linux X64 (AMD64/EM64T) Display Driver 555.42.02 beta
Rufus 4.5 formatta e crea drive flash USB avviabili da immagini ISO
Network Utilities: PassMark WirelessMon 5.0 build 1003 - Bug fixing
Backup & Mastering Utilities: BurnAware Free 17.8 - Enhancements & Bug fixes
Sony prepara il lancio di una console portatile compatibile con i titoli PS4?
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AMD Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition 24.5.1
GLview (ex OpenGL Extensions Viewer) 7.1.0
GPU Shark 2.3.0 [Portable]
Painkiller | Havok Physics Engine | Gameplay Footage #2
Vulkan Hardware Capability Viewer 3.40
AMD Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition 24.4.1
GPU-Z 2.59.0
MechWarrior 5: Clans GDC Demo Trailer
Outpost: Infinity Siege - Official Trailer - "From destruction, we shall return"
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