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Abbiamo pubblicato 34 documenti correlati con il tag voodoo5

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 Photos of a rare video card 3dfx Voodoo5 5000 and in-game screenshots
Obi-Wan Kenobi, our member at english forums, posted some photos of a rare 3dfx Voodoo5 5000 video card (see following images, read the forum topic to get the full size images). This sample features two VSA-100 chips clocked at 166MHz (this is tipical value for the most of VSA-100s on Voodoo4 4500, 5500 and 6000 cards) and has 6ns Samsung SGRAM...
 Screenshots: Need for Speed Most Wanted and 3dfx Voodoo5 6000
OcToGuNs, moderator of PC Gaming forum at, posted some screenshots of the game Need for Speed Most Wanted. These were captured using a AMD Athlon XP based system with a 3dfx Voodoo5 6000 as video card: the driver for the 3dfx device and Windows XP OS was Amigamerlin 3.1 R11. Need for Speed Most Wanted was perfectly playable at 800x600...
 UT2004 & 3dfx Voodoo5 6000: best settings and screenshots
It's on line a small tutorial for 3dfx Voodoo5 6000 owners: however, it could be useful for Voodoo5 5500 owners too. UT2004 & 3dfx Voodoo5 6000 screenshot [1/2] Here you can read about to get the best setup of your 3dfx hardware with Unreal Tournament 2004. UT2004 & 3dfx Voodoo5 6000 screenshot [2/2] We used a AMD Athlon machine...
 Virtual Rally 3 Screenshots with Voodoo5 5500
Amigamerlin have posted at our italian board four images of Virtual Rally 3 captured while the game was runned by a Voodoo5 5500 card, under Microsft Windows XP Professional Edition OS.This's a resized sample: The 3dfx device was configured with Amigamerlin 3.1 R11 driver and without 3D-Analyze utility while the driver settings were essentially on...
 3dfx Voodoo5 6000 | Testing and Screenshots with Vampire
Our italian moderator, OcToGuNs, has carried out some testing sessions using one 3dfx Voodoo5 6000 card on Athlon XP 3000+ and MSI KT3 Ultra2 hardware system with game Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines. Software setup includes OS Microsoft Windows 98SE and Raziel Evolution 1.00.09 driver for 3dfx device control. He got the game playable...
 Amigamerlin 3.1 R2 for 3dfx Voodoo5 cards: testing in progress
A new Amigamerlin driver release, v. 3.1 R2, is now under beta testing. This kit introduces some interesting new features against previous Amigamerlin and SFFT Windows 2000/XP solutions for 3dfx Voodoo5 5500 PCI/AGP and 3dfx Voodoo5 6000 AGP. In fact it uses Mesa library as OpenGL ICD so making possibile to execute "on the fly" OpenGL games;...
 Screenshots: 3dfx Voodoo5 5500 e Spiderman 2
Amigamerlin ha inserito nella board italiana di 3dfxzone alcuni frame di Spider-Man 2 catturati in ambiente Microsoft Windows XP con una video card 3dfx Voodoo5 5500 64MB PCI. Spider-Man 2 è stato configurato con la risoluzione di default, pari a 640x480 pixel; inoltre la scheda grafica 3dfx Voodoo5 5500 ha lavorato con FSAA attivo. Più in...
 Screenshots: 3dfx Voodoo5 5500 e MOHAA Breakthrough
Amigamerlin ha inserito nella board italiana di 3dfxzone alcuni frame catturati in ambiente Windows XP con una card Voodoo5 5500 PCI, alla risoluzione di 1024x768 e con antialiasing a 2X. Ricordiamo che le schede video 3dfx sono impiegabili con un numero rilevante di giochi recenti mediante l'utilizzo di MesaFX, scaricabile a questo indirizzo. Collegamenti Guarda...
 Recensione Radeon 9800 Pro 256Mb e Voodoo5 6000 128Mb
Su Hardware Setup è on line una prova comparativa finalizzata all'analisi delle prestazioni con antialiasing delle schede video ATI Radeon 9800 Pro 256Mb DDR II e 3dfx Voodoo5 6000 128Mb SDram. L'articolo è on line a partire da questa pagina.::Commenta questa news:: ...
 Spiderman the Movie on Voodoo5 - 5500
Italiano: E' da pochi giorni che Thomas si è unito al nostro team ad ha già iniziato a lavorare alacremente per rendere più compatibile il suo 3dA con le nostre schede 3DFX. Questo è il primo risultato !! Finalmente Spiderman the movie parte e non presenta NESSUN errore grafico. Merito del suo nuovo 3DA 2.3 in beta. Al momento la risoluzione può essere...

 Pagina Successiva  Pagina Precedente

YouTube Gameplay: Painkiller | Havok Physics Engine | Gameplay Footage #2
Philips introduce il gaming monitor Evnia 49M2C8900 con pannello OLED QD curvo
ASUS annuncia la data di lancio dei suoi notebook con SoC Qualcomm Snapdragon X
NVIDIA rilascia il package Linux x64 (AMD64/EM64T) Display Driver 550.78
MiTeC System Information X 5.0.0 visualizza le specifiche hardware del PC
FastCopy 5.7.7 copia file e directory, e sincronizza in modalità incrementale
Privacy Eraser 6.6.3 protegge la privacy degli utenti di Microsoft Windows
Personal Backup crea backup di file e dati anche in formato compresso
HDD & SSD - Monitoring & Information Utilities: CrystalDiskInfo 9.3.0 [Portable]
Le GeForce RTX 4070 con GPU AD103 esistono e la conferma arriva da GPU-Z
Free Antivirus & Antimalware Utilities: Trellix Stinger [Portable]
GPU & Vulkan APIs | Information Tools: Vulkan Hardware Capability Viewer 3.40
System & Hardware Tools: SIW (System Information for Windows) 2024 14.1.0417a
Internet Utilities: Free Download Manager 6.22 - HTTPS, FTP, Bittorrent Ready
The Linux Kernel Organization rilascia il Linux Kernel 6.8.8: info e download
Onda introduce la video card Radeon RX 6600 LE AEGIS (non annunciata da AMD)
Con l'app free FileZilla Server 1.8.2 puoi creare il tuo server FTP a costo zero
AMD rilascia Radeon Software for Linux 23.40.2 - Radeon RX 7900 GRE Ready
GeForce & Radeon - Tuning & Monitoring Tools: ASUS GPU Tweak III
AMD rilascia il driver video AMD Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition 24.4.1
Indice delle news 
Ultimi File
Painkiller | Havok Physics Engine | Gameplay Footage #2
Vulkan Hardware Capability Viewer 3.40
AMD Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition 24.4.1
GPU-Z 2.59.0
MechWarrior 5: Clans GDC Demo Trailer
GPU Shark [Portable]
Outpost: Infinity Siege - Official Trailer - "From destruction, we shall return"
AMD Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition 24.3.1
Battlefield 2042 | Season 7: Turning Point Gameplay Screenshots
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