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Abbiamo pubblicato 3 documenti correlati con il tag LucasArts

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 3dfx Historical Assets | Official Videogame Demos | Jedi Knight - Dark Forces II
Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Dark Forces II is a first-person shooter videogame developed and published by LucasArts for Microsoft Windows on October 10th, 1997. Jedi Knight - Dark Forces II - official screenshot [1/2] It's second entry of Star Wars: Jedi Knight videogame series as well as the sequel of Star Wars: Dark Force, released by same...
 3dfx Historical Assets | Official Videogame Demos | Shadows of the Empire
Shadows of the Empire is a third-person shooter enriched with a lot of vehicular combat actions. Shadows of the Empire screenshot by [1/2] It has been developed and released by LucasArts first for Nintendo 64 and than for Microsoft Windows 95 PCs in 1997. Shadows of the Empire screenshot by [2/2] This demo...
 Raven pubblica su SourceForge i sorgenti di Jedi Academy e Outcast
Il codice sorgente degli shooter in prima e terza persona Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy e Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast, anche noti più brevemente con le denominazioni di Jedi Academy e Jedi Outcast, è stato reso di dominio pubblico, con licenza GPL v2, da Raven Software, ovvero dalla organizzazione che ha sviluppato entrambi i titoli,...
GeForce RTX 5090 e RTX 5080: cosa sappiamo sulle prime GPU NVIDIA Blackwell
Digital Audio Editing Tools: GoldWave 6.80 - New Features & Bug fixing
FreeFileSync 13.6 effettua backup, sincronizzazione e comparazione dei file
Intel rilascia Arc & Iris Xe Graphics Driver WHQL - Hades II Ready
Wipe 2405 rimuove file e protegge la privacy degli utenti di Microsoft Windows
Le specifiche della console Nintendo Switch 2 inerenti memoria di massa e RAM
Privacy Eraser 6.7 protegge la privacy degli utenti di Microsoft Windows
ASUS, tutto pronto per il lancio della gaming console portatile ROG Ally X
Source Code Development Editing Tools: Notepad++ 8.6.6 - x86 & x64 & ARM Ready
System Information & Windows Tools: USB Device Tree Viewer 4.2.5 - Bug fixing
L'applicazione free ShareX 16.1.0 consente di creare e pubblicare screenshots
OpenGL & Vulkan Information Utilities: GLview (OpenGL Extensions Viewer) 7.0.11
Rufus 4.5 beta formatta e crea drive flash USB avviabili da immagini ISO
Apple annuncia gli iPad Pro 2024 con SoC M4 e display Ultra Retina XDR
Apple introduce il SoC M4 a 3nm per gli iPad intelligenti di nuova generazione
Benchmark & Stability Testing: Prime95 30.19 build 15 - Windows, Linux, BSD, Mac
OpenGL Testing & Benchmark GPU Tools: FurMark OpenGL Benchmark
System Information & Windows Tools: USB Device Tree Viewer 4.2.4 - Bug fixing
SoundSwitch 6.10.3 cambia al volo la device audio per il playback o il recording
Hardware & System | Information & Monitoring Utilities: HWiNFO 8.02 [Portable]
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GLview (OpenGL Extensions Viewer) 7.0.11
GPU Shark 2.3.0 [Portable]
Painkiller | Havok Physics Engine | Gameplay Footage #2
Vulkan Hardware Capability Viewer 3.40
AMD Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition 24.4.1
GPU-Z 2.59.0
MechWarrior 5: Clans GDC Demo Trailer
Outpost: Infinity Siege - Official Trailer - "From destruction, we shall return"
AMD Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition 24.3.1
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