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Pubblicità SK hynix diventa il primo fornitore di NVIDIA relativamente alla memoria HBM3 Ultime News
Notizia pubblicata in data: 11.06.2022
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SK hynix ha annunciato il raggiungimento di un accordo commerciale con NVIDIA finalizzato alla fornitura di memoria DRAM di tipo HBM3.

La partnership, come sottolineato dalla stessa NVIDIA, rende SK hynix il primo fornitore in assoluto di memoria HBM3 a distanzia di soli sette mesi dall'annuncio dello sviluppo di tale tecnologia.

La memoria HBM3 rappresenta la quarta generazione della memoria HBM (High Bandwidth Memory) in quanto segue HBM (prima generazione), HBM2 (seconda generazione) e HBM2E (terza generazione).

In generale la memoria HBM prevede la realizzazione di moduli ad alte prestazioni mediante l'interconnessione di più chip di memoria DRAM disposti verticalmente: questa soluzione tecnologia assicura un boost prestazionale (banda fino a 819GB/s) rispetto alle soluzioni standard.

NVIDIA utilizzerà la memoria HBM3 di SK hynix per la realizzazione dei sistemi HPC di nuova generazione abbinandola alla sua GPU NVIDIA H100: la commercializzazione di questi ultimi è preannunciata da SK hynix nel corso del terzo trimestre dell'anno corrente.

Press Release

SK hynix Inc. (or "the company", announced that it began mass production of HBM3, the world's best-performing DRAM.

The announcement comes just seven months after the company became the first in the industry to develop HBM3 in October, and is expected to solidify the company's leadership in the premium DRAM market.

With accelerating advancements in cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data, major global tech companies are seeking ways to quickly process rapidly increasing volumes of data. HBM, with significant competitiveness in data processing speed and performance compared with traditional DRAM, is expected to draw broad industry attention and see rising adoption.

NVIDIA has recently completed its performance evaluation of SK hynix's HBM3 samples. SK hynix will provide HBM3 for NVIDIA systems expected to ship starting in the third quarter of this year. SK hynix will expand HBM3 volume in the first half in accordance with NVIDIA's schedule.

The highly anticipated NVIDIA H100 is the world's largest and most powerful accelerator. SK hynix's HBM3 is expected to enhance accelerated computing performance with up to 819GB/s of memory bandwidth, equivalent to the transmission of 163 FHD (Full-HD) movies (5GB standard) every second.

Kevin (Jongwon) Noh, president and chief marketing officer at SK hynix, states that the company has secured top-notch competitiveness in the premium DRAM market through its close work with NVIDIA. "We aim to become a solution provider that deeply understands and addresses our customers' needs through continuous open collaboration," he said.

Source: SK hynix Press Release

Tag: gpu  |  H100  |  HBM  |  HBM3  |  HPC  |  nvidia  |  SK Hynix

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