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Pubblicità Rovio (Angry Birds) acquisisce Futuremark Games Studio Ultime News
Notizia pubblicata in data: 27.03.2012
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Rovio Entertainment, l'azienda finlandese creatrice del puzzle game Angry Birds, disponibile in varie edizioni per il supporto dei sistemi Windows, della PlayStation 3 e dei dispositivi mobile, capace di ottenere un discreto successo a livello mondiale, ha annunciato l'acquisizione di Futuremark Games Studio, una software house specializzata in game ideata e controllata da Futuremark, ben nota per i suoi benchmark 3DMark e PCMark.

Rovio ha evidenziato che alla base del proprio successo vi è "il giusto mix di talento ed esperienza" e che l'ingresso di Futuremark Games Studio nel team rappresenta "un contributo superbo" per la crescita dell'organizzazione.

Futuremark ha invece sottolineato, da un lato, la soddisfazione per la stima mostrata da Rovio verso Futuremark Games Studio e, dall'altro, ha preannunciato la massima attenzione nei confonti del focus primario, ovvero la realizzazione dei benchmark 3DMark, il cui prossimo rilascio avverrà nel corso dell'anno corrente.

[Immagine ad alta risoluzione]

Rovio Entertainment, creator of the global phenomenon Angry Birds, announced today the acquisition of Futuremark Games Studio, the gaming arm of benchmarking software developer Futuremark.

“They are an incredibly talented and experienced team, and we are thrilled to have them on board,” said Mikael Hed, Rovio Entertainment’s CEO. “Rovio’s success is founded on the excellence of our team, and Futuremark Games Studio is going to be a superb addition.”

"I am proud to see the potential of our talented games team recognized by Rovio," said Jukka Mäkinen, Futuremark CEO. "Futuremark will now focus on supporting gamers and industry with 3DMark, our professional grade benchmark which, in a new version to be released later this year, will allow unified gaming performance comparison across operating systems and form factors for the first time."

This announcement comes on the heels of the Angry Birds Space launch, a multiplatform release that debuted on iOS, Android, Mac and PC, as well as in books, merchandising, and animation. On the first day of release, Angry Birds Space shot to the #1 slot for iOS in 104 countries.

Futuremark Games Studio is the second acquisition for Rovio in the past year, after the acquisition of Kombo Animation Studio last summer. As Rovio continues its rapid expansion in entertainment, publishing, animation, and retail, the company will continue to focus on seeking out the world’s best talent to join its team.

News Source: Rovio Entertainment Press Release

Tag: acquisizione  |  angry birds  |  futuremark  |  futuremark games studio  |  games  |  rovio

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