giovedì 02 maggio 2024 13:15mobile   |   |   |   |   |   |   | 
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Pubblicità Informazioni e Release Notes del file: jv16 PowerTools Ultime News
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1) New tool: Startup Timer. Startup Timer is a new standalone tool which allows you to measure exactly how long it takes for Windows to start and also to see which apps are slowing the system startup the most.
2) Improved the performance of the System Fixer and System Cleaner.
3) Initial Setup now runs faster.
4) Closing the program now happens faster.
5) Updated many translations, including Dutch, Finnish and Swedish.
6) Improved the progress reporting of Software Uninstaller.
7) Improved the accuracy of Software Uninstaller.
8) The System Fixer's dummy folder detection module now detects more left-over folder types.
9) The tools now open and close smoother with less UI elements moving around.

1) The category selector in System Fixer and System Cleaner does not always work properly.
2) The result listing of System Fixer and System Cleaner can start to flicker if items are unchecked.
3) In some rare cases, the app could display 'SharedButtons' as the caption of each button. This could happen if updating jv16 PowerTools to a new version failed to replace some files.
4) The loading graphic could sometimes show up in a location other than the center of the app window.
5) Using the categories menu in System Fixer and System Cleaner to hide items from the result list could sometimes fail, because all of the manually unchecked categories were automatically re-checked by the app.
6) Using the Analyze button in Software Uninstaller could sometimes automatically select only some of the unused apps instead all of them.

Known issues:
1) The Russian translation does not work. Trying to use it may cause error message "Slava Ukraini" to be displayed.
2) When in Dark Mode, moving the mouse cursor over checkboxes or radio buttons can cause these components to either flash white or remain to be displayed with a white background. Moving the mouse cursor over the same components fixes the issue. This is a cosmetic issue we are working on trying to fix. This bug can also occur in earlier versions of jv16 PowerTools.
3) Running System Fixer, System Cleaner or Software Uninstaller scan can in some rare cases result in a blank screen instead of the scan progress screen. This is a rare cosmetic issue, the actual scan is running but the scan progress screen fails to show.
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