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Pubblicità Informazioni e Release Notes del file: Xtreme Tuner HD 2.0 beta Ultime News
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Notice the following limitations: A,Support on Fermi is still in early stage. There may be bugs or errors. B,Core to Shader clock ratio is fixed at 1:2. C,There may be problems with manual fan speed mode with current NVIDIA Fermi drivers.D,Core voltage control for Fermi is not implemented yet.

Internet Download Manager (IDM) 6.42 build 11 semplifica il download dei file
Mastering & Burning & ISO Utilities: IsoBuster 5.4.1 - Zip Image File Ready
SoundSwitch 6.11.0 cambia al volo la device audio per il playback o il recording
NVIDIA rilascia il package Linux x64 (AMD64/EM64T) Display Driver 550.90.07
Video Shaper 5.8 converte i video e li salva sui dischi CD, DVD e Blu-ray
SSD Monitoring & Tweaking Tools: Western Digital SSD Dashboard
L'utility free Password Safe 3.66.1 memorizza le password in formato cifrato
System Information & Windows Tools: USB Device Tree Viewer 4.2.6 - Bug fixing
Free USB Utilities: USB Drive Letter Manager (USBDLM) 5.6.1 - x86/x64 Ready
Free Antivirus & Antimalware Utilities: Trellix Stinger [Portable]
NVIDIA, possibile ridimensionamento delle specifiche della GeForce RTX 5090
Benchmark & Stability Testing: Prime95 30.19 build 20 - Windows, Linux, BSD, Mac
L'app MediaInfo 24.05.1 visualizza le proprietà dei file multimediali ed è free
AMD annuncerà a luglio le prime 4 CPU Zen 5 Ryzen 9000: nomi e specifiche leaked
Gaming & Retrogaming Utilities: MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) 0.266
Free Password Manager Utilities: KeePass Password Safe 2.57 [Portable]
Wine 9.10 esegue il software nativo per Windows su Linux, Unix e MacOS
L'app MediaInfo 24.05 visualizza le proprietà dei file multimediali ed è free
Free Benchmark & Testing Information Utilities: Futuremark SystemInfo 5.73
The Linux Kernel Organization rilascia il Linux Kernel 6.9.3: info e download
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