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Pubblicità Informazioni e Release Notes del file: Half-Life 2 Episode One Benchmark 1.3 Ultime News
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The world of Half-Life 2 has amazed everyone with its great story, graphics and Valve's great support.

Half-Life 2: Episode One is the first in a series of new adventures created by Valve that extend the Half-Life 2 single player experience. It details the aftermath of Half Life 2 and launches a journey beyond City 17.

Stepping into the hazard suit of Dr. Gordon Freeman, you face the immediate repercussions of your actions in City 17 and the Citadel. Rejoin Alyx Vance and her robot, Dog, to once again aid the human resistance in their desperate battle against the totalitarian alien menace of the Combine.

Acknowledgments are due to...

  • Jan Loncik - PC_SPACE for the ideas, testing, your time
  • Valve's Support staff for their help with the demoplay bug

System requirements

  • Windows XP / VISTA
  • The latest drivers for your graphics card
  • The latest updates of Half Life 2 and Steam (this benchmark is based on the 14. March 2007 update)


  • Change the resolution from 640×480 up to 2048×1536 (in 9 steps).
  • HD WideScreen resolutions (1280×768, 1920×1080, 1920×1200) support.
  • Custom resolutions support.
  • One built-in demo.
  • High Dynamic Range support.
  • Antialiasing and Anisotropic filtering support.
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