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Pubblicità Informazioni e Release Notes del file: VMware Workstation Pro 15.0 Ultime News
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Linux host Wayland support

  • Workstation 15 Pro can now run on a Linux host Wayland desktop. To install Workstation Pro on a Wayland desktop, you must use terminal mode installation.
  • Performance improvements for virtual NVMe storage

Resolved Issues

  • Virtual machines that directly use a physical disk might display a black screen . When a virtual machine directly uses a physical disk, after you power on the virtual machine, the virtual machine might display a black screen. This issue is resolved.
  • Virtual machine might crash and display an error when powered on if the parallel port is mapped to a physical parallel port. When a virtual machine is using parallel port and the parallel port is mapped to host OS physical parallel port, after you power on the virtual machine, the virtual machine might crash with following error: VMware Workstation unrecoverable error: (vcpu-0). This issue is resolved.
  • USB devices connected to a DELL Thunderbolt USB dock might not be able to connect to a virtual machine. When you connect a USB device to a USB dock, such as DELL Thunderbolt, the USB device might not be able to connect to the virtual machine. This issue is resolved.
  • USB devices connected to some 3.1 xHCI controllers are not available for passthrough on Windows hosts. On Windows hosts, USB devices connected to some USB 3.1 controllers are not listed when you select VM > Removable Devices. Therefore, the device cannot pass through to the virtual machine. This issue is resolved.
  • The Workstation Pro interface might crash when you use the Zoom utility on a Linux host. For some Linux hosts, for example Ubuntu 18.04, when you use the Zoom utility, the Workstation Pro interface might crash. This issue is resolved.

Known Issues

Mouse-clicking functionality might stop working in a virtual machine when certain third-party software is installed on the host. When you install certain software, such as WizMouse, on the host, the mouse-clicking functionality might stop working in virtual machines.


  • Power off the virtual machine.
  • Add the following entry to the .vmx file of the virtual machine: mks.win32.processWin32MouseInput = "TRUE"
  • Power on the virtual machine.
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