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Release Notes - D3DGear 4.13 build 1377

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D3DGear 4.13 build 1377
D3DGear is a very fast video game recording software, it records video game in HD movie without slowing down game. D3DGears recording performance and quality is superior among other game recording software.

With D3DGear, user also can measure video game frame rate (FPS), capture game screenshot, and stream video game to remote PC.

To use D3DGear, simply launch D3DGear prior to start 3D game, the frame rate of 3D game will be automatically measured and displayed on screen; recording movie and capturing screenshot is as simple as pressing a hotkey.

D3DGear supports DirectX8, DirectX9, DirectX10, DirectX11, and OpenGL API. D3DGear runs on 32 and 64 bit of Windows XP, VISTA and Windows 7.

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