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Release Notes - GCPUID 1.9.0192

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GCPUID 1.9.0192

Confirmed Turion 64 support.
Added Athlon64 X2 support, dual core opteron support.
Added a register dump option (Click on the 'HTML' icon, select "Save text output", click ok and you should have an "Output.txt" file either in the program's folder or the folder you ran the shortcut)
Added PCI Scan function, it can detect all PCI devices (this includes chipset, onboard devices and AGP).
Intel CPUs, starting the Pentium Pro (all supported AMD CPUs have a string name), will now be given a "Name String", this field will no longer say "N/A".
Rewrote part of code that's responsible for Intel CPU recognition for much better compatibility, and broader CPU support*.
Fixed/Added mobile platform detection.
Fixed a small bug on K7/K8 FID VID window, when you change the FID, now the speed will automatically refresh.
* Still no Pentium D or Pentium XE support, working on it.

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