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Release Notes - GoodSync 10.8.6

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GoodSync 10.8.6
* MS Graph: many changes in browsing, show all Sites and Drives.
* MS Graph: Acquire Group.Read.All and Sites.ReadWrite.All permissions, to see Sites.
* MS Graph: Add icon and description, fixed several bugs.
* S3: V4 auth: Escape : and * too, or we get signature errors.
* GoodSync2Go: Fixed GoodSync2Go.bat file did not start EXE on 32-bit system.
* File Monitoring: Do Monitoring only for Local/Net file systems, not for remote systems.
* Device ID: fixed corrupted device id sent for non-latin computer names.
* Thousands Separator: Fixed adding , or . separator in case of non-standard Number Format.
* Crash Catcher: Do not report exception that we caught, if we could not walk the stack.
* gsync and other console apps: Make them show foreign characters.
* Filters: fixed bugs in handling Absolute Include filters.
* CC Runner: Do not log sensitive info, such as passwords.
* gsync: Fixed /oauth option not working.
* gscp: Add handling of /profile= and logging command line options.

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